Roast & Ground

Jacobs Intense

Package size: 250g Pack

Jacobs Krönung Intense is a rich, dark roast coffee.

How to prepare

French Press

Step one

Put 1 tablespoon (7g) of coffee per cup into the French Press

Step two

Pour water into the French Press until it covers the coffee completely. Stir with a spoon and replace the French Press plunger. Wait four minutes and press the plunger down.

Step three

Put your coffee into cups and add sugar and milk as you desire

How to prepare

Filter Coffee Machine

Step one

Place a new filter as per the requirements of your machine

Step two

Put 1 tablespoon (7g) of coffee per cup onto the filter. Pour water into the filter coffee machine’s water container and then turn on the machine

Step three

When your coffee is ready, pour your coffee into cups and add sugar and milk as you desire.


Sourcing for better

We're proudly part of JDE Peet’s Common Grounds initiative. Taking care to source our beans responsibly whilst helping farmers and communities in coffee-growing regions thrive.